Catana Comics by Catana Chetwynd for June 13, 2019

  1. Turtle
    chillax  over 5 years ago
    My husband bought me those kinds of useful/needed objects for years. Lately, he’s been buying me good jewelry (which I love), pillow pets (I’m in a wheel chair, now, and they make the chair softer), and other unique items.Your day will come, too, Catana. Meanwhile, keep thinking of how much you love him. :)
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  2. Missing large
    JustMe  over 5 years ago

    I love this comic! It’s always so sweet :0)

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    kf6rro  almost 5 years ago

    I surprised my wife the other day when I picked her up from work. I had brought her some boba tea since she had been saying earlier that she’d been craving some. I was surprised at how she went nuts when I gave it to her. It was pretty cute.

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