Next on the To Do list should be a ‘Wheel of (mis)Fortune’ w/ employees names. Spin it to see who to Fire Today.
Hurry up, your battery life is at 10%!
For Rita, it is ask Jay a question so he can stick his foot into his mouth.
Aw who knew, she does have a (shriveled) heart…
So that’s how she wound up in the desert…!
John Zakour and Scott Roberts
TheDOCTOR almost 6 years ago
Next on the To Do list should be a ‘Wheel of (mis)Fortune’ w/ employees names. Spin it to see who to Fire Today.
Cronkers McGee Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Hurry up, your battery life is at 10%!
garcoa almost 6 years ago
For Rita, it is ask Jay a question so he can stick his foot into his mouth.
NWdryad almost 6 years ago
Aw who knew, she does have a (shriveled) heart…
Dragoncat almost 6 years ago
So that’s how she wound up in the desert…!