People in flood affected parts of Australia are waiting to see if their insurance companies will pay out for these latest floods (had ones in September too) - so this image of an insurance agent would go down well!
got milk? got flood insurance? got wind insurance? got fire insurance? got earthquake insurance? got car insurance? got bad driver insurance? NO? Well get yer uninsured a s s in GEAR!!!
Colt9033 about 14 years ago
hope fish don’t go by and bite his nobby finger.
barbhinkins about 14 years ago
People in flood affected parts of Australia are waiting to see if their insurance companies will pay out for these latest floods (had ones in September too) - so this image of an insurance agent would go down well!
SaunaBeach about 14 years ago
got milk? got flood insurance? got wind insurance? got fire insurance? got earthquake insurance? got car insurance? got bad driver insurance? NO? Well get yer uninsured a s s in GEAR!!!
lfanterickson about 14 years ago
This looks more like extortion. “If I don’t get $xxx,xxx.xx by noon Saturday…”