And ‘too small to identify’ shape, from the bottom.
Corn flakes? Bleh. Now, if we’re talking about chocolate Frosted Flakes…
And who doesn’t like the feel of corn flakes falling on ones tongue?
Seeing is indeed believing, so I’ll believe that no two snowflakes are the same when I’ve seen every single one.
Start forming a line, people…
May 20, 2016
Rose Madder Premium Member almost 6 years ago
And ‘too small to identify’ shape, from the bottom.
WCraft almost 6 years ago
Corn flakes? Bleh. Now, if we’re talking about chocolate Frosted Flakes…
chris_weaver almost 6 years ago
And who doesn’t like the feel of corn flakes falling on ones tongue?
RetFor almost 6 years ago
Seeing is indeed believing, so I’ll believe that no two snowflakes are the same when I’ve seen every single one.
Start forming a line, people…