Eat ’em fast! That train gets here in 10 minutes.
can Rip make short work of that short stack? stay toned!!
He can build another pancake house – meanwhile, have you seen your prisoner around lately?
I suggest Rip take a detour through the Tidal Basin, as discussed in today’s “Richard’s Poor Almanac”.
Eat up Rip. We all know those pancakes power those giggling knuckles, of yours!
And don’t forget the boysenberry syrup.
Dan Thompson
May 03, 2014
October 25, 2017
Chithing over 5 years ago
Eat ’em fast! That train gets here in 10 minutes.
R.R.Bedford over 5 years ago
can Rip make short work of that short stack? stay toned!!
well-i-never over 5 years ago
He can build another pancake house – meanwhile, have you seen your prisoner around lately?
tad1 over 5 years ago
WaltWenger Premium Member over 5 years ago
I suggest Rip take a detour through the Tidal Basin, as discussed in today’s “Richard’s Poor Almanac”.
I AM CARTOON LADY! over 5 years ago
Eat up Rip. We all know those pancakes power those giggling knuckles, of yours!
Dragoncat over 5 years ago
And don’t forget the boysenberry syrup.