Coming from a former teacher: The good thing is that YOU are THERE. I cant tell you the number of Parent/Teacher conferences I had where the parents I really needed to talk to just would not show up. Meanwhile, the kids that were doing great had parents there inquiring what more they and their kids could do…
i_am_the_jam almost 14 years ago
American Public Schools™, ladies and gentlemen… :P
jay_dallas almost 14 years ago
Coming from a former teacher: The good thing is that YOU are THERE. I cant tell you the number of Parent/Teacher conferences I had where the parents I really needed to talk to just would not show up. Meanwhile, the kids that were doing great had parents there inquiring what more they and their kids could do…
infinite_kydeem almost 14 years ago
Unfortunately, i’ve seen kids cheat off of other poor students and get below average grades.