Rover: I stand corrected. It is a freckle and not dried food.
Sure is yummie when it is dried food though!
I’ll bet they all are. But you better check and make sure, Rover.
Fat chance it’s soap.
Nothing like a big wet dog tongue all over your face! Lol
omg, that is so funny! I thought it was ‘dot ’ candy!
I do believe he covered the task at hand, Red!
A different way of doing the panels again?
November 20, 2013
comicgos about 14 years ago
Sure is yummie when it is dried food though!
GROG Premium Member about 14 years ago
I’ll bet they all are. But you better check and make sure, Rover.
rogebr about 14 years ago
Fat chance it’s soap.
Elaine Rosco Premium Member about 14 years ago
Nothing like a big wet dog tongue all over your face! Lol
tweety7854 about 14 years ago
omg, that is so funny! I thought it was ‘dot ’ candy!
COWBOY7 about 14 years ago
I do believe he covered the task at hand, Red!
A different way of doing the panels again?