Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds for February 01, 2011

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    Charles Evans Premium Member about 14 years ago

    We’re the ones who make them rich, kiss their feet, let them get away with whatever, then send them to the Pro Bowl.

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    Chessnut  about 14 years ago

    Tiger Woods

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    Chessnut  about 14 years ago

    Tiger Woods

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    Chessnut  about 14 years ago

    Are you deaf … TIGER WOODS

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    bem71957 Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Cam Newton!

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    lovelandclay Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Sports Jerk of 2010: Whoever hired Michale Vick for the Eagles. Vick is a monster who should be shunned.

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    Singess  about 14 years ago

    Bret Favre–who else?

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    Sharon Shadburn Premium Member about 14 years ago

    LeBron James. The Decision-enough said

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    barmes Premium Member about 14 years ago

    MIKE VICK - You really want a dog?

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    Willows Dream  about 14 years ago

    I absolutely HATE with a fiery burning passion all these #!@$%!! contests that try to make you join FB or Twitter to participate.

    Hey Jeff and Bill I nominate the two of you for being douchbaggy enough to pull that with us. FFS get your heads out of the sheeps @$$ already.

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    larryvanover  about 14 years ago

    Sal Alosi - former Jets assistant coach for the sideline stunt he pulled. From a player is one thing, but an assistant coach!?? Come on man!!!

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    jimbo1949  about 14 years ago

    You are singling out Ty Cobb, circa 1911, for a racist attitude in a league that did not allow the participation of blacks for another 35 years. Asinine. One would believe that sentiment was prevalent throughout the league as well as the nation.

    Cobb’s qualification for SJOY 1911 was that he treated everyone equally, very badly.

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    David Davis Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Brett Farve - prima donna extraordinare and reality finally set in. Texting scandal, Vikings meltdown, Packers in Super Bowl. Thought he was bigger than the game - go back to making Sears commercials that parody your inability to be a professional.

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    sthnbelle  about 14 years ago

    Ben Rothlisberger. Sexual assault gets a free pass in the NFL again.

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    lfooter  about 14 years ago

    NCAA president Mark Emmert- for making a mockery of the elgibility rules re:Ohio State, Auburn

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    maryasharrow  about 14 years ago

    I’d love to vote, but I don’t do facebook or twit twit.

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    captainedd  about 14 years ago

    Le Bron James - for stringing along the fans of Cleveland, AND making them forget how much of a jerk Art Modell is

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    aprilglaspie  about 14 years ago

    So many worthy candidates. Bret texting his picture. Big time. Bick paid a serious price for his transgressions. Cecil and Cam. Just cheat like hell. The OSU five that played in the bowl game. Lebron–major league jerk.

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    DonVanni  about 14 years ago

    Ty Cobb wasn’t just a racist. whenever he slid into a base, the baseman had to watch for the spikes in his shoes.

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    R. M. Grace Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Bret Favre

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    Joker_Bung  about 14 years ago

    Tiger Woods

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    Blueyedkitten  about 14 years ago

    Michael Vick

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    Ji535m  about 14 years ago

    Brett Favre for the Sports Jerk of the Year. He could have retired with grace,dignity and lots of support from fans. Instead, he refused to accept that he was getting older. Now he has been “busted’ for inappropriate remarks and pictures sent to a young reporter, fined for lack of cooperation and finally sitting on the bench for the last of the season.

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    ChipWatkins  about 14 years ago

    The NCAA as a whole, for enacting stupid rules and then failing to enforce them.

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    ChipWatkins  about 14 years ago

    Bud Selig–nominated for a lifetime achievement award–let me count the ways! He is most deserving for decreeing that the All-Star Game should end in a tie. He has also failed to push the owners to enact a reasonable instant replay rule for “safe-out” calls at the bases, and for “fair-foul” ball calls.

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    rkozakand  about 14 years ago

    The Klan didnt use that outfit untill they saw it in a movie in 1910, It has been used by Catholic Christian brotherhoods in Europe for many centuries, and still is. I guess they thought it looked noble and knightly, and didnt realise it was Catholic.

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