It’s the day I stand in line at the “Collector of Taxes”, with the other idiots who 1. Couldn’t find a stamp. 2. Finally broke out their abacus and realized what 18% means, 3. Want to complain about their tax use to a clerk who, a. Gets $14.50/hour., b.Is watching the clock till lunch, c. Doesn’t know you and couldn’t give a rats @ss.
Happy New Years Eve. Give Caesar what is due!
lewisbower about 14 years ago
It’s the day I stand in line at the “Collector of Taxes”, with the other idiots who 1. Couldn’t find a stamp. 2. Finally broke out their abacus and realized what 18% means, 3. Want to complain about their tax use to a clerk who, a. Gets $14.50/hour., b.Is watching the clock till lunch, c. Doesn’t know you and couldn’t give a rats @ss. Happy New Years Eve. Give Caesar what is due!
rockngolfer about 14 years ago
^ The Year of the Golden Rabbit.