Lionel Ritchie is nothing you should see the shenanigans Nicole gets up to. Whole hotels paved with restraining orders.
Up next : “Run for Your Life” by the Beatles.
Yeah, it’s surprising how creepy a lot of songs can be when you really stop to think about their lyrics…
It’s possible there were something like 100 dreams with 10 lip kisses each. But we definitely know it was in multiple dreams.
January 10, 2015
June 13, 2017
October 16, 2017
Ida No about 5 years ago
Lionel Ritchie is nothing you should see the shenanigans Nicole gets up to. Whole hotels paved with restraining orders.
ART Thompson Premium Member about 5 years ago
Up next : “Run for Your Life” by the Beatles.
scyphi26 about 5 years ago
Yeah, it’s surprising how creepy a lot of songs can be when you really stop to think about their lyrics…
Carl Skanberg creator about 5 years ago
It’s possible there were something like 100 dreams with 10 lip kisses each. But we definitely know it was in multiple dreams.