God: “If I explained myself, I’d have to kill you. Wait, let me check my schedule.”
Actually, if I had God powers, I probably wouldn’t give myself Wolverine claws.
I know, I’m weird.
Actually, God is pretty shy. Apart from a short turn in the opening verses of Mark, he basically drops out of sight in the New Testament.
January 10, 2015
June 13, 2017
October 16, 2017
Ida No almost 5 years ago
God: “If I explained myself, I’d have to kill you. Wait, let me check my schedule.”
scyphi26 almost 5 years ago
Actually, if I had God powers, I probably wouldn’t give myself Wolverine claws.
I know, I’m weird.
AndrewSihler almost 5 years ago
Actually, God is pretty shy. Apart from a short turn in the opening verses of Mark, he basically drops out of sight in the New Testament.