Indeed Fred, you’ve already been immortalized in hearts and minds throughout the world.
Your adventures are eagerly anticipated each day by untold throngs of eager fans. How many others besides me print out your daily adventures to chukle over and appreciate throughout the day just because you are so doggone loveable? A lot I bet!
Here’s to Fred, always remembered, always loved, memorable in every way!
Scrum almost 14 years ago
True works of art!
Francine Long almost 14 years ago
Indeed Fred, you’ve already been immortalized in hearts and minds throughout the world.
Your adventures are eagerly anticipated each day by untold throngs of eager fans. How many others besides me print out your daily adventures to chukle over and appreciate throughout the day just because you are so doggone loveable? A lot I bet!
Here’s to Fred, always remembered, always loved, memorable in every way!
persil almost 14 years ago
You look great Fred on their arm / leg.