Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for December 19, 2019

  1. Wallpapers jonny quest 1024x768
    J Quest  about 5 years ago

    That last one is pure evil (of course, of course…♫♪♪)

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    DCBakerEsq  about 5 years ago

    I’m Sagittarius, Wilbur.

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  3. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Dear Mr. Thompson,

    My sun and moon are both in Capricorn, but I have Virgo rising. Is my tin can habit what’s keeping me from getting a date?

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    Kip W  about 5 years ago

    There’s a Golden LP called “Mr. Ed: Straight From The Horse’s Mouth” that has to be heard to be believed. It’s full of dopey factoids (many of which are no longer true, and others of which were never true) and weak jests, and “Ed” is just some guy with a deep voice and none of Ed’s mannerisms. There’s also a chorus that puts boring facts to tunes from “The Mikado.” It was the gooniest thing I’d heard right up until I found “Unkie Dunkie the Baloney Slicer” at WFMU’s Beware of the Blog.

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  5. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 5 years ago

    I am (or at least used to be; I think they’ve tinkered with the dates of the signs) a Cancer. I don’t much care for shellfish anyway, thanks.

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