Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for January 23, 2020
cherry blossom lore as early as 600 years ago american indian tribes living on the patowmack river recog-nized the unique charm of the cherry blossom tree indian 1: those things are going to attract kitsch-starved tourists like flies. indian 2: and how. george washington, bitter over a childhood incident, detested cherry trees of any kind and had to be forcibly restrained from chopping them all down. advisor: sir! don't! the tourism industry was a major contributor to your presidential campaign! washington: ow! leggo! it would take a stack of 21,467 pancakes to equal the height of the washington mon-ument if you made them with buttermilk.* * this is not cherry blossom lore. i'm sorry.
katzenbooks45 about 5 years ago
We have similar story about cherry trees in Macon, Georgia. Given that the local festival is always in mid-March and with the warm winter we’ve had, it’s likely the famous blooms will be gone by the end of February.
DCBakerEsq about 5 years ago
But, how many waffles?
Sisyphos about 5 years ago
Cherries? Good!
Cherry waffles? Even better!
(Sorry, George; even Homer nods.)