Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for March 19, 2020
hometown security the d.c. office of obstacles & eyesores hopes to replace the jersey barriers littering our landscape with something more aesthetically pleasing. but what? everybody loves bollards! we could become the "city of bollards." people: bollards! bollards! bollards! bollards! there are alternatives. man: tangled masses of abandoned grocery carts can provide deterrence and comment on our consumerist society. some are traditionalists - guard: i prefer the ornamental 8-ton reinforced concreted tub filled with pansies, which so intriguingly weds the oppressive to the dainty. driver: yeah, me too. stop do not back up and what of those whom we seek to protect? guy 1: i hear that at the state department everyone gets a vicious guard dog. guy 2: damn. department of nonessential employees
well-i-never about 5 years ago
A couple layers of broken-down grocery carts really could be and effective deterrent!
katzenbooks45 about 5 years ago
Terry Pratchett’s book, “Reaper Man” (1991), takes panel two to a whole new level.
gbars70 about 5 years ago
Those traffic spikes look like they’re pointed in the wrong direction. Don’t know if that’s intentional or maybe optical.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 5 years ago
Keith Laumer in one of his Retief short stories had a planet so covered in relics that the locals were essentially homeless.
Sisyphos about 5 years ago
I guess I fall among the Traditionalists. I’m a sucker for cute pansies in massive concrete planters….