Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for May 12, 2020

  1. Wallpapers jonny quest 1024x768
    J Quest  almost 5 years ago

    In the second example, the ā€œSā€ in Scrapmaker is silent (as seen in the expressions of both the driver and dog)

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  2. Louis2
    PoodleGroomer  almost 5 years ago

    The hardest part of automotive suspension repair is getting the old parts out. It is much easier to put the new parts in when the old ones have fallen out. Suspension comes from the suspense of finding how much it is going to cost.

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    DCBakerEsq  almost 5 years ago

    The ā€˜Lunar Landscapeā€™ is a field of rocks and pebbles punctuated by massive craters and occasional NASA detritus.

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  4. Anim chromosomes
    chromosome Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    The 3rd one looks like the Sarlacc. I wonder which came first (Sarlacc first appeared in 1983).

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    SpammersAreScum  almost 5 years ago

    Oh, yes, Richard wasnā€™t exaggerating much. I had to have a rim replaced after encountering one of these in those days, just past the end of a DC Beltway ramp. And there were a couple others replacing tires near there as well.

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  6. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 5 years ago

    D.C. ainā€™t all that bad for pothole afficionados, but it will never top Chicagoā€¦.

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  7. Smokeystover  2
    gbars70  almost 5 years ago

    Is that vehicle attempting to jump the chasm?

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