Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for December 10, 2020
richard's poor almanack by richard thompson arrival of summer washington area residents were surprised this week by the sudden early arrival of summer, a doughy, irritable man of about thirty wearing a loud shirt, cargo shorts and flip flops. summer: yow, is this where the party's at? when reporters asked about his early appearance, summer offered a rambling, semi-coherent response that led some to speculate he may have been drinking. summer: y'know, it's that global warming messing with my schedule. plus i am so wasted. summer grew vaguer still when questioned about his plans for the season in the dc area. summer: i thought i'd just kinda hang out, maybe do some stuff. check out the lay-deez. haw-haw! but when asked about the possible impropriety of his many endorsement deals for beer, swimwear, beach goods, crummy pop music, et., summer lashed out in a hurricane-force rage.
Cpeckbourlioux about 4 years ago
Humidity glue. Bummer.
well-i-never about 4 years ago
The details are different, but geez this guy sounds familiar.
DCBakerEsq about 4 years ago
Summertime lay-deez are always worth checking out, am I right?
pipi1863 about 4 years ago
About 30? Must be Celsius. Probably Canadian.
Sisyphos about 4 years ago
Summer is a psycho season….
Besides, this is freakin’ mid-December!