Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for December 11, 2020
richard's poor almanac. by richard thompson another cicada cartoon man: oh, yigk. cicada: jeez, what's your problem? man: well, you, with all those legs & incessant whine & the flying into my face- cicada: come now, cicadas are the least of your worries. cicada: you've got an increasingly ugly war, an uncertain economy, a nasty elec-tion ahead, sky-rocket-ing gas prices, cicada: an over-fished ocean, all kinds of toxins in your food & water, and, i'm sorry to say, you've got termites in your basement. cicada: so don't get grossed out by us. in a few weeks we'll be outta here for 17 long years man: take me with you. cicada: there, there. cicada: people & their incessant whining. cicada 2: they need more legs.
Cpeckbourlioux about 4 years ago
And wings, I need wings!
DCBakerEsq about 4 years ago
My cat, Tiffany, was an expert cicada hunter. She loved to catch them, rip off their wings, and drop their carcasses at your feet as a bizarre trophy. Tiffany was a great cat. A calico. I miss her sometimes. And all the dead cicadas.
chromosome Premium Member about 4 years ago
In other parts of the world, cicadas can be quite beautiful:
Sisyphos about 4 years ago
Cicada! She’s got legs and she knows how to use them!