Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for February 26, 2021
unrelated developments by richard thompson tv: jeanne calment, dead at 122. man: ha! it's only a matter of time and the glory is mine alone! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha in his room, the world's third old-est man (1141/2) learns he is now #2. alas, he laughs too hard. martian 1: and the balloon pops & this skateboard with a camera on it rolls out & pushes some rocks around for a while & now we think the batteries are running out - martian 2: if this is their notion of technology we can take over the earth with a couple of blunderbusses loaded with rocksalt! martian 3: may i be excused? i have sand in my pants. on mars, the council of six meets. oop: having established a d.c. homeowners! association answerable only to congress, we'll now begin installing speedbumps all over town. oop: that should lure back the "suburbanites." wink wink. oop: wink in the district of columbia, the plan is in full swing. wink. but what america wants to know is - woman: is the "cathy" in the comic strip going to get married too or is she just going to go on a big eating binge? dog: as long as she doesn't eat the little dog. that would be sad. tissue of lies
Cpeckbourlioux almost 4 years ago
Tissue of lies! Good name for the paper.
DCBakerEsq almost 4 years ago
Guileless Guisewhite Galls Gabby Galpals
Sisyphos almost 4 years ago
How did we find out about that meeting of the Council of Six? Have we bugged their meeting hall? Is this what the Mars landings are really all about?