Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for April 03, 2021
richard's poor almanac voting a guide for the anxious by richard thompson upon arriving at your polling & before you're cleared to vote. you'll want to wash your hands several times or more. a waterless handwashing station & moist towelettees are provided are provided for your convenience. push vote when you approach the voting booth, advance in a normal fashion. do not shamble, crawl or sidle. and don't go peeking under the voting booth looking for crouching supreme court justices. they aren't there. while in the voting booth do not gibber, ululate or swear. "lucky" objects, sweaters, etc., are permitted. if you feel panicky. press the "call: button. a voter hostess will respond. please exit quickly when finished. before you receive your "i voted" sticker, you'll want to wash your hands a few more times. you may now return home. the results of your vote will be made available in 4-6 weeks. thank you.
Cpeckbourlioux almost 4 years ago
Yes, thank you.
kesting almost 4 years ago
Almanac is an appropriate sobriquet for this comic. It predicts the future much more accurately than the farmer’s almanac ever has.
ACK! Premium Member almost 4 years ago
On arriving home, you may feel the need to bathe or shower one or more times.
DCBakerEsq almost 4 years ago
Voting is the new praying.
smorbie the great and beautiful almost 4 years ago
I sense you are trying to make a joke, but I do have to point out that it isn’t. I do not pray to politicians. I only pray to God. Happy Easter.
Sisyphos almost 4 years ago
So prophetic! I am going to vote in our locals on Tuesday, and every one of these admonitions rings true or close enough!