Also Nate does have many identites! Nate, Cactus Head (from CJ) Spiky Haired Kid (From CJ) Kid who burned off his eyebrows, kid who got a 38 on the math test, Mower Whisperer (Bonus Points if you remember that!) Can anyone name some more? :)
Today is a day of remembrance of the innocent lives that were lost 18 years ago today. 3,000 died to a plane crash in to the World Trade Center. Please remember the lost today. This is patriots day for a reason remember the tragedy remember the heroes of the attack please remember today
iEjene™ over 5 years ago
He has quite a few identities though lol
MintCrepe over 5 years ago
Why doesn’t Nate just give Alan a nickname? He IS the nickname czar after all.
SummerFanNate over 5 years ago
In an old 90’s Comic there was a Nate Stevenson who Nate hypnotized, he must have left. ALSO THIS IS A GREAT ARC!
SummerFanNate over 5 years ago
Also Nate does have many identites! Nate, Cactus Head (from CJ) Spiky Haired Kid (From CJ) Kid who burned off his eyebrows, kid who got a 38 on the math test, Mower Whisperer (Bonus Points if you remember that!) Can anyone name some more? :)
DM9001 over 5 years ago
Didn’t someone else already reference him doing that?
winowino Premium Member over 5 years ago
I’ll check back Monday for a new storyline.
dom cos over 5 years ago
Watch the other half of this arc be reruns of the middle name arc.
ILikeThanos over 5 years ago
hMmMm AlAn Is A iMpOsTeR!?!?!?!
Spokey over 5 years ago
Remember to honor the people who died from the acts of the terrorists everyone
LINK_O_NEAL over 5 years ago
Senpai Chan.
BiggerNate91 over 5 years ago
It’s been a long time since Nate’s been called that!
DM2860 over 5 years ago
Top prankster to add to the growing list of Nate’s identities.
TheBigWalrus over 5 years ago
NETFLIX AND POPTARTS over 5 years ago
Today is a day of remembrance of the innocent lives that were lost 18 years ago today. 3,000 died to a plane crash in to the World Trade Center. Please remember the lost today. This is patriots day for a reason remember the tragedy remember the heroes of the attack please remember today
Swayamplays over 5 years ago
oof just got my top braces
Ehi10 over 5 years ago
Hey there’s no problem with having the same name as somebody there are three other Ethan’s in my school (if you did not know my name is Ethan
Clarence over 5 years ago
This was the day we’re THERES TERRORIST ATTACK
Clarence over 5 years ago
The reason why I comment late it’s because a I had a comment at 7am but for no reason it got deleted
WCraft Premium Member over 5 years ago
You don’t want to be that guy!
IronFox over 5 years ago
If anyone remembers from multiple months ago, I’m Mr. Fox, just with a new profile picture and name.
IronFox over 5 years ago
Also, I would appreciate if all of you took a moment of silence for the victims of 9/11.
Pickles the Cat over 5 years ago
Oh, so Alan’s Asian. Ok.
hockey man about 4 years ago
now there are two Nates? Confusing
da mickey rat treehouse over 2 years ago
STUFF ENJOYER over 1 year ago
He did that? I wanna see!