If this is the way shows like Survivor operate I’m glad I’ve never wasted my time watching them. My idea of a Survivor type show would be 30 or so people, preferably murderers or other criminals locked in a large area, say 50 acres with assorted weapons and the winner was the last one alive at the end. They would truly be a Survivor.
billcor about 5 years ago
Oh NO! We’ll get wet!
BigDaveGlass about 5 years ago
You had to say it….
Thorby about 5 years ago
ZAPP !!!!!
Thorby about 5 years ago
They’ll be lucky if the camp is still there after the storm and stampede!
A R V reader about 5 years ago
Lightening would strike near the guilty, and that’s not rain, it’s zebra drool.
tripwire45 about 5 years ago
Well “something” just happened.
Dean about 5 years ago
The caves will not have enough light for the cameras.
Polsixe about 5 years ago
God has had enough of this storyline.
theincrediblebulk about 5 years ago
If this is the way shows like Survivor operate I’m glad I’ve never wasted my time watching them. My idea of a Survivor type show would be 30 or so people, preferably murderers or other criminals locked in a large area, say 50 acres with assorted weapons and the winner was the last one alive at the end. They would truly be a Survivor.
The Real Zarth Arn about 5 years ago
“Could be worse — could be raining”
Sisyphos about 5 years ago
The wild art style matches their wild weather. It kinda works, today. May be the best installment yet in this story, visually….