God I love Martinis…….. Sapphire Bombay straight up with a twist and some extra cocktail onions. …….MMMMM……MMMMMMMM
It;s a good thing a Dung Beetle wasn’t sitting at the bar.
Good point, Leaky!
Wait a minute………Isn’t it “Sambuca” you get and ask for 3 coffee beans?? Maybe he shoulda asked for Sambuca.
Johnny D, I was thinking the same thing. Must be a very dry martini.
Straight up is “no ice” …….they do put a dash of vermouth.
Now NOLA……..I know you “westbankers” should know that!!!
And btw bro……crawfish is currently $4.00/$6.00 a lb. I can’t wait for them to come down.
i know that squirrel from fat cats - cool
Dang leaky, that’s still way high for February. Hopefully they’ll be a bit lower when I head down that way in March.
Charlie Podrebarac
July 10, 2015
leakysqueaky712 about 14 years ago
God I love Martinis…….. Sapphire Bombay straight up with a twist and some extra cocktail onions. …….MMMMM……MMMMMMMM
leakysqueaky712 about 14 years ago
It;s a good thing a Dung Beetle wasn’t sitting at the bar.
margueritem about 14 years ago
Good point, Leaky!
leakysqueaky712 about 14 years ago
Wait a minute………Isn’t it “Sambuca” you get and ask for 3 coffee beans?? Maybe he shoulda asked for Sambuca.
charlie podrebarac creator about 14 years ago
MisngNOLA about 14 years ago
Johnny D, I was thinking the same thing. Must be a very dry martini.
leakysqueaky712 about 14 years ago
Straight up is “no ice” …….they do put a dash of vermouth.
Now NOLA……..I know you “westbankers” should know that!!!
And btw bro……crawfish is currently $4.00/$6.00 a lb. I can’t wait for them to come down.
trekkermint about 14 years ago
i know that squirrel from fat cats - cool
MisngNOLA about 14 years ago
Dang leaky, that’s still way high for February. Hopefully they’ll be a bit lower when I head down that way in March.