Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for February 10, 2011

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    Edcole1961  about 14 years ago

    That explains why so many skinheads are in jail.

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    JudyCuddy  about 14 years ago

    So much for old adages……………….

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    bonnevilledriver  about 14 years ago

    Nice start…

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  4. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Adam, I wouldn’t worry too much about the pressures of being a genius!

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    michael.p.pumilia  about 14 years ago

    Yes, but your clicker worked on the door lock!

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  6. Frankenaaron
    NE1956  about 14 years ago

    Nope Adam, just nope.

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  7. Bari sax
    edrush  about 14 years ago

    And, Edcole, the rest of ‘em seem to be working in Hollywood. It seems like nearly every show I try to watch features one or more skinheads.

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    benbrilling  about 14 years ago

    A good portion of your brain cells were in that hair you used to have, Adam. Actually the old adage is that bald men are more virile, but that is naturally bald, haircuts don’t count.

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  9. Destiny
    Destiny23  about 14 years ago

    Apparently the sun reflecting off his head blinded him! Should’ve worn sunglasses like his kids.

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    jpozenel  about 14 years ago

    The blood in his brain must be getting cold.

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    tsandl  about 14 years ago

    Nothing to do with mental activity, but it has a lot to do with high levels of dihydro-testosterone, hence the virility adage.

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