I had trained my Turbo not to chase after squirrels (evil blighters) without a leash (only while in a park far from harm). He would tremble while I was talking him through it. I eventually let him do what he was inclined to do: Chase them but never catch them…
Ida No over 5 years ago
“Because the squirrels are crazy and will try to get you to join them in a magic trick, if you let them. Don’t let them.”
scyphi26 over 5 years ago
Word of advice, then: Hold onto that leash. Tightly.
TurbosDad over 5 years ago
I had trained my Turbo not to chase after squirrels (evil blighters) without a leash (only while in a park far from harm). He would tremble while I was talking him through it. I eventually let him do what he was inclined to do: Chase them but never catch them…
cuzinron47 over 5 years ago
And you’ll remind yourself you’re still a puppy on a leash.
whenlifewassimpler over 5 years ago
Squirrels come and rules and regs go out the window.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 5 years ago
Squirrels have their own rules.
JK1 over 5 years ago
Nice art in last panel, Brian. And…squirrels are squirrelly! BAK!
mjb515 over 5 years ago
The squirrel menace must be destroyed!