Matt Wuerker for August 30, 2019

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    Monchoxyz  almost 5 years ago

    Good thing we disable the nuclear football.

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    Masterskrain  almost 5 years ago

    His Senile Dementia is getting SO BAD that it can’t be hidden any longer.

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    mattro65  almost 5 years ago

    I say we hurricane the nukes and then dope slap everyone on the Federal Reserve. Give the Orange Buffoon a double decker cardio stimulant-a Whopper stacked on top of a Big Mac and make sure it’s cold. His mouth is big enough to eat it and his taste bad enough to like it. Then, in the midst of his ecstatic reverie he’ll hallucinate Powell doing a Major Kong into the eye of a hurricane, think that his work here is done and go golfing for the rest of his only term. Someone will surely live happily ever after if that happens. If that seems a little surreal to you that’s because the last 31 months have seemed bigly surreal to me.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  almost 5 years ago

    955 days of horror and terror with the Big Red One in office.

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    lager.lager.lager  almost 5 years ago

    Nuke Mar Del Lago

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