Heart of the City by Steenz for February 21, 2011

  1. Croparcs070707
    rayannina  about 14 years ago

    Dean doesn’t pay attention to anything below the galactic level.

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    lunatic03867  about 14 years ago

    You wouldn’t believe the looks I got when asked “Who won?” the next day.

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    Glimm  about 14 years ago

    ha ha rayannina, how true.

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    Lyons Group, Inc.  about 14 years ago

    Who won? Green Bay. Enough said.

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  5. Destiny
    Destiny23  about 14 years ago

    I’m surprised Dean didn’t say, “What’s the Super Bowl???”

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  6. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Darkeforce: “I’ll tell you who lost, though; the people who spent way too much money for tickets to see it!”

    They probably don’t feel that way. But those 200 or so people who payed the money and didn’t get to see it, that’s a shame.

    I don’t much care about the Super Bowl, but I don’t begrudge the enjoyment thereof to others. This Sunday is MY “Super Bowl”: OSCAR NIGHT! And for anybody who cares little or nothing for that, nobody’s forcing you to watch THAT either. Your complaints will fall on deaf ears…

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    rkozakand  about 14 years ago

    Kudos to him for being unaware. the blitz is maddening, but even without tv, i admit i heard abou bleeep

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  8. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member about 14 years ago

    This year I’ve seen just about everything nominated. All 10 Best Pictures, all five Best Actor nominees (I had to catch up with Javier Bardem after the nominations, since “Biyutiful” hadn’t yet opened here), all the Best Actresses, the Supporting Actors and Actresses, the Directors, the Screenplays, Animated Features, and yesterday I saw a program of the Animated Shorts. It’s a good field this year; nothing’s a lock except Colin Firth, and there’s nothing I’m particularly rooting for or against.

    Actually, that last sentence isn’t quite true - I’m rooting against “Toy Story 3” for Best Animated Feature (it’s probably futile), because the other two nominees are equally worthy, and there’s danger of Pixar getting cocky and/or complacent. And if “Inception” had any chance of taking Best Picture, I’d be rooting against it; I don’t think it was a BAD movie, but it’s the most overrated movie of the year.

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  9. Wink
    DonVanni  about 14 years ago


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  10. Sixshotprofile
    Decepticomic  almost 4 years ago

    Out of sight, out of mind.

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