And a busted shoulder to boot! The only thing that could make this worse is the cops showing up and arresting him for indecent exposure. ;)
Try the handle……
Hey! Is that a cop car in the driveway? Yup.
time to talk on social media about how Jen looks naked. Think that would get back at her?
This is called going from very bad to much, much worse!
For a vet, Frank is pretty dumb.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 5 years ago
And a busted shoulder to boot! The only thing that could make this worse is the cops showing up and arresting him for indecent exposure. ;)
BigDaveGlass over 5 years ago
Try the handle……
FassEddie over 5 years ago
Hey! Is that a cop car in the driveway? Yup.
Qiset over 5 years ago
time to talk on social media about how Jen looks naked. Think that would get back at her?
yimhere over 5 years ago
This is called going from very bad to much, much worse!
jonesbeltone over 5 years ago
For a vet, Frank is pretty dumb.