Banana Triangle by Beutel, James for October 21, 2019

  1. Curtisp70
    Curtis Mathews  over 5 years ago

    Rosemary, grey kitty’s scratching post?

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  2. Missing large
    tims145  over 5 years ago

    Rosemary can feel pain physically but not emotionally. Which explains all of her interactions with the other characters. A normal person would either discourage gray kitty from scratching them (or, alternative, give her a boot) but since Rosemary is not doing so, kitty just goes for it.

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  3. 90pix beer gnome
    gnome  over 5 years ago

    you can rationalize anything you want…

    That’s the delusional part of “delusional/abusive relationships”

    …and cousin, on the nice mattress…..

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  4. Space thinking emoji 2
    Gerard:D  over 5 years ago

    Rosemary gets pleasure out of pain, what’s the word for that? Oh, yeah, crazy.

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  5. Img 4929
    Holilubillkori Premium Member over 5 years ago

    I love that cat!

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