Peanuts by Charles Schulz for April 19, 1970
Linus walks up to Sally, who stands outside, holding a balloon.<BR><BR> "That's a nice balloon," Linus says. "Thank you.."<BR><BR> "What does it do?" asks Linus. Sally looks at the balloon and says, "It doesn't do anything except maybe fly if I let go of it.."<BR><BR> Linus walks behind Sally. He suggests, "Why don't you paint the word 'love' on it, and let it fly off someplace?"<BR><BR> They are inside. Sally holds a paintbrush. She bends in front of Linus, who holds the balloon, which now reads, 'LOVE'. Linus says, "This may change the life of the person who finds it..." Sally adds, "Maybe some person who is depressed will find it, and be encouraged to carry on."<BR><BR> They watch as Sally lets go of the balloon and it drifts upwards. "Maybe some great leader will find it, and be inspired to seek world peace." Linus says. DSally cries, "Go, balloon! Carry your message of love!"<BR><BR> They smile as the balloon drifts farther up.<BR><BR> The balloon drifts down over a grassy hill.<BR><BR> "?" A bird stares at the balloon on the ground in front of him.<BR><BR>
Pelahnar over 11 years ago
Do balloons ever actually come down? I’ve never seen one, but I suppose there’s a probability factor there. And they have to go somewhere is suppose…
GenreChowderStudios over 8 years ago
That’s actually a really sweet idea. I should buy a bunch of balloons and do that. Of course, they’ll probably all just pop before anyone else sees them…
jtyroler over 8 years ago
It’s not a good idea to release helium balloons into the air. When they come down, too often, some wild animal will ingest the balloon and die.
PaulWardle almost 8 years ago
kill joy
SpongebobPatrickBackwards almost 6 years ago
This is one of my favorite strips.
Stormwyrm over 4 years ago
99 red balloons floating in the summer sky…
thatdarnfurry about 3 years ago
The joys of living in rural america
kcj about 2 years ago
These days (2023), when a great leader finds a balloon floating high in the air, they are not looking for world peace… more likely, they call for F-16s to shoot it down.