Why would we want this moron to hook up with her?? The second Jen is like “Hey Frank! Look at mah BOOBS!” Frank is like all “DUH! OH YEAH BABEE!!” Whatta catch for sweet Brandy. The Frank character is a very flawed little dimwit that is not in a “cute” shy nerd boy way whatsoever! Prevents me from wanting these two to get together BIG TIME! Such a waste of excellent artwork. This strip would be blessed if Cho got a half-decent writer to make us care a Planck length! (And I know these are reruns.)
meg_grif over 5 years ago
The great Sam Cooke!
SHIVA over 5 years ago
These panels look like an ad for deodorant, or breath mints!!
BigDaveGlass over 5 years ago
Ah, Young Love…..
gantech over 5 years ago
Jen is drop dead gorgeous, but given a choice, I would pick Brandy any day of the week.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 5 years ago
Lemme guess. This Roger Creep is going to SCREW all this up, right?
wstanley041857 over 5 years ago
For cryin’ out loud, Frank, do something about that! Say the right words and she’d jump your bones in heartbeat!
yimhere over 5 years ago
She sees something in him that eludes the rest of us….
Petemejia77 over 5 years ago
Why would we want this moron to hook up with her?? The second Jen is like “Hey Frank! Look at mah BOOBS!” Frank is like all “DUH! OH YEAH BABEE!!” Whatta catch for sweet Brandy. The Frank character is a very flawed little dimwit that is not in a “cute” shy nerd boy way whatsoever! Prevents me from wanting these two to get together BIG TIME! Such a waste of excellent artwork. This strip would be blessed if Cho got a half-decent writer to make us care a Planck length! (And I know these are reruns.)
Airbender over 5 years ago
This arc looks so promising, but we all know, it won’t last.
Ray Rappisi Jr Premium Member over 5 years ago
Love Frank’s use of panel space. He’s the best!