Peanuts by Charles Schulz for December 06, 1970
Peppermint Patty sits at her desk. "Why should I look? I know what I got.."<BR><BR> "Hey, how about that?" Franklin says. He holds up a sheet of paper. Peppermint Patty looks at her sheet of paper.<BR><BR> "I got an 'F' on the test, Franklin..what did you get?" Franklin turns andround and smiles: "I got a 'B'! I'm very happy..."<BR><BR> Peppermint Patty gazes at her paper and says, "I think I got an 'F' because I have a big nose...sometimes a teacher just doesn't like the way a kid looks..."<BR><BR> "If a teacher doesn't like your looks, there's nothing you can do.." Peppermint Patty holds her chin in her hand on the edge of the chair back. Franklin turns to look at her.<BR><BR> "I've got a big nose, so I's as simple as that..." Peppermint Patty adds. She props her arm on the desk and leans her face in her hand. "Let me see you test paper.." Franklin offers.<BR><BR> Franklin looks at her test and exclaims, "This paper is blank! You turned in a blank test paper!"<BR><BR> Peppermint Patty slumps back in her seat and declares, "If a teacher doesn't like your looks, Franklin, there's nothing you can do.."<BR><BR>
dsukenick over 11 years ago
Last time Peppermint Patty is a recurring character. In 1971 she joins the main cast.
peanutsmean 6 days ago
I much prefer the dots Schulz uses later to portray Franklin’s skin color. He looks weird with the lines across his face.