Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for November 30, 2022
Bixby: This stinks! First Fritz rents out his office to carnies... then he moves into my office and yaks all day long! It's a nightmare! Hamhock: Hey, at least you have a job. Bixby: Whatever. Hamhock: Well, it's more than your clients can say. Bixby: See? Now it's affecting my job performance.
cuzinron47 almost 2 years ago
There’s always you trash can.
knight1192a almost 2 years ago
Now? NOW!!!!! If it’s affecting your job preformance, Bixby, then that means you’re finally ACTUALLY doing your job.
And it’s good to see Hamhock realizes he’s a client rather than an employee. After Bixby conned the clients to go on strike as employees against Fritz and Ink Pen, Fritz must have had an off camera discussion with them.