Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for January 12, 2023
help!! hamhock: this looks like a job for.... shazam!! man: Forget it, big red ham and cheese! there's nothing you can do to stop me from mutating this poor girl, for my creative guild of villany!! hamhock: we'll see about that!! wham!! bam!! pow! hamhock: You'll be safe, now, miss! woman: what ever can I do to repay you? ralston: I wonder what he dreams about. hamhock: zzz...smoochie! smooch! zzz... captain: I don't know, but they all end the same..
Skeptical Meg almost 2 years ago
+1 for Shazham
papajim545 almost 2 years ago
Captain Marvel was way better than Superman
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 2 years ago
This was very clever.
AndrewSihler almost 2 years ago
I confess I missed “SHAZHAM” at first. Nice touch!!
Dr_Fogg almost 2 years ago
“SHAZHAM!?” too funny. I started to watch the first one. Lasted maybe 10 minutes. I hope the second one is better