Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for November 06, 2024
from the tip top secretive dossiers of s.p.e.a.r. subject: tyr odinson first appearance: 11-20-06 aliases: norse god of war, yak breath. affiliations: half brother to thor, husband to giantess bruda hymirsdottir (ref 5-7-07) father of sigurd "siggy" tyrson (ref 11-18-08). known enemies: wolves, soap. origin:in order to bind the hellhound fenris he let the beast bite his had off (ref 2-11-07). bravery an asset, decision-making not so much. powers: Strength, immortality. weapons: fire axe "brandraxt" calls the fires of muspellheim, enchanted metal hand keeps aim true, magic girdle reins in enormous gut. drink of choice: mead, flagons of.
wi3leong Premium Member 3 months ago
I’ve not seen Siggy.