Look close to that of the Army Surplus Six from Wacky Races, only it’s shorter and it’s part tank, part steam-roller.
Ive “crate trained” 5 German shepherds and not a one would go near the crate when I took the door off.
I’m thinking the little guy is dreaming of cat hunting…
I have never crate trained my dogs.
Gimme shelter.
Parker and Hart
Mastroianni and Hart
Lyons Group, Inc. over 5 years ago
Look close to that of the Army Surplus Six from Wacky Races, only it’s shorter and it’s part tank, part steam-roller.
Vangoghdog01 over 5 years ago
Ive “crate trained” 5 German shepherds and not a one would go near the crate when I took the door off.
WCraft over 5 years ago
I’m thinking the little guy is dreaming of cat hunting…
sarahbowl1 Premium Member over 5 years ago
I have never crate trained my dogs.
cuzinron47 over 5 years ago
Gimme shelter.