Obviously Kliban didn’t know how bagpipes are played. The drones should all be going over the guy’s left shoulder, while the chanter is generally held in a more vertical position, close to the cod piece.
If he held the bagpipe properly, the liquid would be pouring over his kilt. It’s clearly, not a bagpipe but some genetically modified version tweaked for pollutants.
Differentname over 5 years ago
A trail of poisonous ooze and a gross miasma of foul air?
Less annoying than the average bag piper!
mrcooncat over 5 years ago
Obviously Kliban didn’t know how bagpipes are played. The drones should all be going over the guy’s left shoulder, while the chanter is generally held in a more vertical position, close to the cod piece.
Zebrastripes over 5 years ago
Must be emptying the beer that somehow got in the bagpipe….
Milady Meg over 5 years ago
The bagpipe might need one as well.
cooganm Premium Member over 5 years ago
Went with the industrial-strength bagpipe, I see.
1MadHat Premium Member over 5 years ago
He should have used Castrol & bought Ethyl gasoline.
mistercatworks over 5 years ago
If he held the bagpipe properly, the liquid would be pouring over his kilt. It’s clearly, not a bagpipe but some genetically modified version tweaked for pollutants.
Vet Premium Member over 5 years ago
Ahhhh beautiful music……to a tuner. Just needs some valve adjustments, reset the timing, replace the warm air intake.
dadoctah over 5 years ago
Leaky pipes?