I walked everywhere as a kid in NYC with my grandma, my mom and my buddy Patrick. Much easier than driving a car which neither my mom or grandma had. The subway was how they got to work, well my grandma did and I went with her a lot when I was off in the summer or Spring vacation etc.
Both my daughters at different times, after they were raising their own kids, told me it was disconcerting to be talking to their kids and all of a sudden hear Mom and Dad coming out of their own mouths! :-)
Tyge almost 5 years ago
Sure you would! NOT!!
GROG Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Yes and yes. A little exercise never hurt anybody.
fuzzbucket Premium Member almost 5 years ago
I’ll still be reading this strip 15 years from now to see if you mean it.
BigDaveGlass almost 5 years ago
Time will tell….
Mordock999 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
To which Nancy should respond with some crack about having her own personal chauffeur…..,
whenlifewassimpler almost 5 years ago
I walked everywhere as a kid in NYC with my grandma, my mom and my buddy Patrick. Much easier than driving a car which neither my mom or grandma had. The subway was how they got to work, well my grandma did and I went with her a lot when I was off in the summer or Spring vacation etc.
jvn almost 5 years ago
I want to hear the tune she sings when she is her mother’s age. I bet it’s in a different key and the lyrics will change a lot.
dandye almost 5 years ago
Both my daughters at different times, after they were raising their own kids, told me it was disconcerting to be talking to their kids and all of a sudden hear Mom and Dad coming out of their own mouths! :-)
exness Premium Member almost 5 years ago
I grew up on a farm and the only way to get to town was the school bus or walk.