Peanuts by Charles Schulz for February 28, 1971
Charlie Brown stands in front of his snow covered pitcher's mound. He sighs.<BR><BR> He says, "Here's my ol' pitcher's mound...covered with snow..."<BR><BR> He stands on top of it and looks down, saying, This mound and I have been in some great ball games."<BR><BR> He looks up and says, "What memories..."<BR><BR> He closes his eyes: "I'll never forget that game when the other team came to bat in the last half of the ninth inning, and .."<BR><BR> 'OKAY EVERYBODY! STAND BACK! THIS IS IT!" Lucy, wearing a ski parka and on skis, stands at the foot of the mound in front of Charlie Brown.<BR><BR> Lucy stands on top of the mound, pushing Charlie Brown to the side. She announces, "Here she goes through the starting gate..The wind rushing through her hair! IT'S THE LADIES CHAMPION! IT'S THE DOWNHILL RACER!!!!!!"<BR><BR> Charlie Brown looks off in the direction she has gone.<BR><BR> He continues, "And they needed only one run to tie the game..There I was..."<BR><BR>
slifer79 over 5 years ago
Even in the winter Lucy enjoys trying to break CB’s concentration. He doesn’t seem to care if he’s not in the middle of a pitch though:)
Daeder over 3 years ago
“When I bite into a York Peppermint Patty, I get the sensation…!”
FrostbiteFalls over 1 year ago
As opposed to the uphill racer?