Peanuts by Charles Schulz for August 15, 1971
Lucy walks. She says, "You wanted me, manager?"<BR><BR> She and Charlie Brown face each other on the field. Charlie Brown says, "I sure do.."<BR><BR> Charlie Brown lifts his bat. He says, "I think you need a little practice on fly balls, Lucy. So if you'll get out there, I'll hit you a few..."<BR><BR> They both look off to the side. Charlie Brown continues, "Just trot on out there, and I'll hit some high ones, and we'll see how you do..."<BR><BR> Lucy remains where she is. Charlie Brown urges her: "Well, go on! Get out there before I hit one and you have to chase it!"<BR><BR> "I'm warning you..I'm not gonna wait! I'll just go ahead and whack one so far you'll have to run fifty miles!"<BR><BR> "GO AHEAD! GET MOVING! GET OUT THERE BEFORE I SWING BECAUSE I'M NOT WAITING ANOTHER SECOND!"<BR><BR> "YOU'D BETTER START MOVING..HERE IT GOES!!" Charlie Brown stands with his back to Lucy and tosses the ball up to hit it.<BR><BR> He swings; the ball heads behind him towards Lucy.<BR><BR> Lucy holds out her gloved hand to Charlie Brown; she caught the ball. Charlie Brown closes his eyes.<BR><BR>
Vivianne Lee almost 13 years ago
She said you wanted me?
Bimps1002 over 12 years ago
poor charlie brown
Nate Wright! over 3 years ago
Lucy did great.
Busrayne about 3 years ago
Charlie Brown is like Daffy Duck in one regard – the entire world seems to conspire to exasperate him.