Peanuts by Charles Schulz for September 26, 1971
Lucy kneels on the grass, holding a football. She trills, "Charlie Brownnnn"<BR><BR> "I can't believe it!" Charlie Brown says. His eyes are closed.<BR><BR> Charlie Brown stands next to Lucy. She looks up at him and smiles, saying, "Charlie Brown, I'll hold the football, and you come running up and kick it..."<BR><BR> Charlie Brown says, "I can't believe it! I can't believe that anyone would actually think I'm that stupid!"<BR><BR> Lucy raises her arm in protest: "But you don't understand, Charlie Brown..I represent an organization, and I hold this ball as a representattive of that organization."<BR><BR> Charlie Brown walks. he says, "If she represents an organization, then I guess she must be sincere..."<BR><BR> Charlie Brown runs towards the football, which Lucy holds.<BR><BR> "AAUGH!" Charlie Brown flies into the air as Lucy whisks the ball away.<BR><BR> WHAM! Charlie Brown lands flat on his back.<BR><BR> Lucy stands over Charlie Brown head and announces, "This year's football was pulled away from you through the courtsey of Women's Lib!"<BR><BR>
tdoug1 over 9 years ago
You should of ask Charlie.
Mr Pets about 2 years ago
I keep wondering why does he still trust her?
FrostbiteFalls over 1 year ago
This is what Women’s Liberation was all about? Being a lying, manipulative, deceptive little rhymes-with-grasspole?
FoxHunt2 8 months ago
This punch was courtesy of the we-hate-to-be-tricked organization