“White Middle Class Suburban Man” is alive and well and living in North Royalton, Ohio, where I saw him using his leafblower to blow dry his truck last week after he shampooed it.
Pretty sure Car & Driver once featured an April Fool’s article about a two-lane wide RV. This was long before the Canyonero, which would have been dwarfed by the thing.
Hyphenman over 5 years ago
“White Middle Class Suburban Man” is alive and well and living in North Royalton, Ohio, where I saw him using his leafblower to blow dry his truck last week after he shampooed it.
Skywatcher68 over 5 years ago
Pretty sure Car & Driver once featured an April Fool’s article about a two-lane wide RV. This was long before the Canyonero, which would have been dwarfed by the thing.