Peanuts by Charles Schulz for September 28, 1969
Lucy holds a football upright and says, "Charlie Brown?"<BR><BR> Charlie Brown stands next to Lucy. Lucy smiles and says, "Charlie Brown, I have a great idea . . I'll hold the football like this, and you come running up and kick it . . ."<BR><BR> Charlie Brown says, "Ha! I wouldn't try that for a million dollars! You won't hold it . . You'll pull it away, and I'll kill myself!"<BR><BR> Lucy cries and shouts, "Waah! You don't trust me!"<BR><BR> Lucy continues, "You think I'm no good! You have no faith in me!" Charlie Brown says, "Don't cry, Lucy . . . I apologize . . I'm sorry . . Please don't cry . . ."<BR><BR> Charlie Brown walks back and says,. "You hold the ball, and I'll come running up and kick it . . ."<BR><BR> Charlie Brown runs up. Lucy pulls the ball out of the way. Charlie Brown lands on his back.<BR><BR> Charlie Brown lies on the ground dazed. Lucy stands over him and says, "Never listen to a woman's tears, Charlie Brown!"<BR><BR>
rumrunner731 about 13 years ago
ootey over 7 years ago
By my calculations he has about 30 more lessons to learn, and I think it still wouldn’t be enough…
thepinkbaroness over 4 years ago
She can use tears or terror with equal facility.
Mr Pets about 2 years ago
Say that again to that lava pit over there while leaning way, way, over
FrostbiteFalls over 1 year ago
Such a credit to her gender.
DoubleU about 1 year ago
Lucy the Fussbudget. :-)