Peanuts by Charles Schulz for September 24, 1972
The Literary Ace and Woodstock, his secretary, sit on top of the doghouse. Snoopy holds up several envelopes and thinks, "Here's one from Iowa... And here's one from Pennsylvania.."<BR><BR> Advice For Dog Owners type type type. Woodstock types as Snoopy watches.<BR><BR> Snoopy reads, "'Dear Sir, I have a dog who continually scratches his ears... What should I do? Signed, 'Wondering''"<BR><BR> Woodstock types: Dear Wondering, What I'm wondering is how you can be so dumb! Take your dog to the vet right away, stupid.<BR><BR> Snoopy reads, "'Dear Sir, we have three puppies who have enlarged joints and are lame... What do you think caused this, and what should we do? Signed, 'Dog Owner''"<BR><BR> Woodstock types, "Dear Dog Owner, Why don't you take up rock collecting? You're too stupid to be a dog owner. In the meantime, call your vet immediately." Snoopy frowns.<BR><BR> Snoopy reads, "Dear Sir, My dog has been coughing lately...What should I do? Signed, 'Confused'"<BR><BR> "Dear Confused, You're not confused, you're just not very smart. Now, you get that dog to the vet right away before I come over and punch you in the nose!" Snoopy shakes his fist and looks fierce.<BR><BR> Snoopy looks out and raises his brows. he thinks, "I write a very firm column!"<BR><BR>
kcj almost 2 years ago
Snoopy is firmly in favor of vet visits for other dogs… not so much for himself.
DoubleU about 1 year ago
He reminds me of Dr. Laura. If they take his advice, he may not get any more letters.