Peanuts by Charles Schulz for February 17, 1973

  1. Coyote 5a
    valheru  about 13 years ago

    I was wrong.

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  2. Miniderp
    Bimps1002  over 12 years ago

    wow. just. wow.

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    MrJamie1062  almost 12 years ago

    Well, Linus,again, you have only YOURSELF to thank, for getting awakened in the middle of the night, by a telephone call, and from no one other than Charlie Brown’s favorite baseball player, NO LESS—again, since this WHOLE THING was YOUR IDEA, alone, and as it was, it was a FLASH IN THE PAN. That’ll teach you not to use your brain, and considering just how intelligent you are, Linus.

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    MrJamie1062  almost 12 years ago

    Yes,Linus, an intelligent, even straight-A fellow like yourself, should indeed know better, than to secretly plan something big for someone, when,deep down inside where it really counts, you don’t really mean it.

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  5. Thank you gif
    Mike789  about 9 years ago

    linus is smart, and it was kind of him to start the party, even though it ended up being canceled.

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    thepinkbaroness  over 4 years ago

    (two handed facepalm)

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    thatdarnfurry  almost 3 years ago

    Something tells me ol’ Joe ain’t that brilliant of a player himself…or just ain’t too brilliant in general. Or even a celebrity

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