Peanuts by Charles Schulz for May 27, 1973
The Literary Ace types, "'Hi, pretty girl,' he said."<BR><BR> "'I love you,' she said, and together they laughed. Then one day she said, 'I hate you,' and they cried. But not together."<BR><BR> "'What happened to the love that we said would never die?' she asked. "'It died,' he said." Snoopy holds up a piece of paper and reads what he has written.<BR><BR> He types: "The first time he saw her she was playing tennis. The last time he saw her she was playing tennis."<BR><BR> "'Ours was a Love set,' he said. 'But we double-faulted.' 'You always talked a better game than you played,' she said." Linus reads what Snoopy has written.<BR><BR> Linus hands the paper back to Snoopy and says, "That's very all you need is a title..."<BR><BR> The Literary Ace types, "A Love Story by Erich Beagle"<BR><BR>
LadyBlanc almost 12 years ago
That story is the most in-depth, profound one Snoopy’s ever written. Love the nom-de-plume, too!
MrJamie1062 over 11 years ago
Snoopy’s real name is Erich?
jtyroler over 8 years ago
“Love Story” was written by Erich Segal.