Peanuts by Charles Schulz for August 30, 1974
The Literary Ace sits on the doghouse. Lucy says, "Sometimes I think you must by very naive."<BR><BR> Lucy continues, "No one is ever going to pay you for those dumb stories you write!" The Literary Ace cries.<BR><BR> Lucy walks away and says, "And crying won't help . . . Publishers very seldom pay authors just to keep them from crying . . ."<BR><BR> Snoopy thinks, "What's wrong with those guys?"<BR><BR>
tarrangar about 3 years ago
When Snoopy started writing his stories sold, but he’s lost his touch since then.
RuinQueenofOblivion 11 months ago
If Snoopy wrote today he’d probably get published, publishers’ standards have gone downhill in the last 20 years.