Peanuts by Charles Schulz for October 16, 1974

  1. 8d39ebb8 145c 4e6a 87c2 9c3f196266e6
    weatherford.joe  almost 9 years ago

    America… so stuck in our ways. We never did successfully adopt the metric system.

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    jtyroler  over 8 years ago

    I remember when people were predicting that the United States would convert to the Metric System by the end of the 1970’s. We are one of the very few nations that do not officially use the Metric System.

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    thatdarnfurry  almost 3 years ago

    I remember reading about the push 1974 in schools in the us to learn metrics, which would’ve worked out very nicely since metrics are easy to use and actually based off tangible things instead of arbitrary things like some King’s thumbnail as an inch or whatever have you. Shame it didn’t work out. I use metrics anyway, just not for temperature. It’s Fahrenheit for me on that.

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