Peanuts by Charles Schulz for December 15, 1974
Lucy leans on Shroeder's piano as he plays. There is a music staff behind them.<BR><BR> "Tomorrow is Beethoven's birthday...What are you going to buy me?"<BR><BR> Shroeder, in profile, declares, "I'm not going to buy you anything!"<BR><BR> Shroeder stands on top of his piano, shaking his finger and shouting: "You know why? Because you don't care about Beethoven! You never have!!" Lucy sits up on the floor.<BR><BR> Shroeder stands on the floor and raises his arms: "You don't care that he suffered! You don't care that his stomach hurt and he couldn't hear!"<BR><BR> He is seated again: "You never cared that the Countess turned him down, or that Therese married the Baron instead of him or that Lobkowitz stopped his annuity!!" Lucy leans her chin on the piano and wtches him.<BR><BR> He stomps away.<BR><BR> Lucy returns to her former position, reclining against the piano.<BR><BR> She calls, "If the Countess hadn't turned him down, would you buy me something?"<BR><BR>
supersexyghotmew95 about 13 years ago
somebody’s got issues XD
MatthewJHarris almost 4 years ago
ah-hee over 3 years ago
Lucy needs to take a loooong walk of a short pier.
MrJamie51 over 2 years ago
At any rate, Schroeder has a very good point; why should he get her anything for the occasion when all she’s done is treat Beethoven like chopped liver? Like in the Christmas special, when she said and I quote, “Everyone talks about how great Beethoven was, Beethoven wasn’t so great. He never got his picture on bubble gum cards.” Of course, that was modeled on the strip from July 28, 1963(I believe), but still-Schroeder’s right-she always has detested Beethoven, so why get her anything?
MrJamie51 over 2 years ago
And no, Lucy, even if the countess hadn’t turned Ludwig down, I don’t think that would make any difference. Schroeder still wouldn’t get you anything.
Avatar??? about 2 years ago
Makes sense, she has zero respect for his idol and she still expects him to like her?