Peanuts by Charles Schulz for August 13, 1975

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    bcn172000  almost 13 years ago

    Spike! First appearence!

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    Bimps1002  over 12 years ago


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    CartoonDog90  almost 12 years ago

    This is the first appearance of Spike, one of Snoopy’s siblings. (He is the first of Snoopy’s siblings to appear in the strip.) He would later play a larger role in the strip as he would be seen in the middle of the desert interacting with cacti and hoping the cute girl in the pick-up truck would pick him up. Oh, and his nose made an appearance in the strip before this one.

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    dsukenick  over 11 years ago

    Spike is a guest star in the strip from 1975-1982 because he wasn’t in a lot during those years and he didn’t speak much either.

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    RazorT  about 7 years ago

    1: Yay, Spike is here!2: How could Lucy understand Snoopy?

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    Pets of the comics  about 4 years ago

    he’s so skinny

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